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Celebration of Hope

Nairobi Kibera Slams

Because of the size and need of the average family, for $13,220, we build all homes with two bedrooms, a living area, sanitation, a water component, a cooking area, a sink, furnishings, lighting and structural elements to withstand severe weather conditions. Any gift of $6,610 will be matched by another generous donor, and both will […]


We Need You

Help Provide Food and Hope to people around the world  Over half of the population lives below the poverty line, facing challenges such as inadequate food production, high unemployment and vulnerability to natural disasters. You can make a meaningful impact on  families by Joining The Pack!  We welcome individuals, community groups, churches, businesses and families […]


Food crisis in South Sudan

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered in some form humour.
