
Charity activities are taken place around the world.
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We believe that we can save more lifes

If you’re willing and able to help out in person there are lots of opportunities to do so! To start, take a look at our Find Food COVID Map to locate the food banks and pantries local to your area. Once located, give the organization a call to see how they could best use your assistance. Three areas of typical interest are: 1. Volunteering at the food bank or pantry to hand out or pack food 2. Using your personal vehicle to drive food to those who don’t have access to food banks and pantries 3. Supporting and maintaining local community gardens (where applicable) Start by clicking here to find the food bank or pantry nearest you!
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Building Boxes of Food and Essentials

Both groups and individuals can volunteer to build boxes filled with food and essentials that will be delivered to families in need across the United States. Volunteers make our food-distribution programs possible by sorting and screening products, and helping assemble boxes loaded with much needed food and essentials.

Help us to donate $3800 to poor childrens